Welcome to DayZ Messages Generator

Create, customize, and manage your server messages in one place

Message Generator
Quick Guide
Message Types
On Connect
Displayed when players join your server
Regular broadcasts to all players
Timed messages before events
Server shutdown notifications
On Connect
Sends once after a player joins

The server message will be sent immediately after a player connects. You can set a delay for this message if desired.

Repeated Message

Indicates that the server message will be repeatedly sent to all players. You can control the frequency of repetition.

Countdown Timer

Indicates that the server message will be sent to all players at regular intervals leading up to a deadline. The message will be sent at the following intervals: 90, 60, 45, 30, 20, 15, 10, 5, 2, and 1 minute before the deadline.

Server Shutdown

Triggers a server shutdown once the countdown reaches zero. This flag is dependent on the Countdown flag being set.

Message Length
Maximum length: 160 characters
#nameServer name
#portServer port
#tminTime remaining in minutes
Time Units
All time-related properties are in minutes
Additional Flags
On Connect Delay

Specifies the delay in minutes before the "On Connect" message is sent. A value of 0 means the message is sent immediately.

Repeat Interval
Message Frequency

Controls the frequency of message repetition for the "Repeat" flag.

Countdown Deadline

Sets the deadline for the countdown timer. This is the duration until the countdown reaches zero.

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